Save Handmade Toys

Monday, December 14, 2009

CPS, You Can't Be Serious?

This morning I was going through some news articles and found an article at about Child Protective Services being called to Tiger Woods' home. I'm just wondering who called CPS on them and why? Or maybe CPS didn't receive a call from any outside source(maybe the hospital called,I don't know)and decided to do their own investigation because of "alleged" domestic violence on behalf of Elin Woods.

Personally I was over this story when I found out that he wasn't seriously hurt and would be okay. But, no the media kept on talking about it and I kept on turning the channel so I wouldn't have to hear this irrelevant news. I mean wake up people, unemployment is over 10 percent,people are losing their homes as we speak,more and more families are on food stamps,hell,in some parts of the country we have people living in tent cities........and what was the round the clock coverage on cable news...........Tiger Woods and his car accident!

But wait- then the story changed from car accident, to Tiger and his mistress, that he might of had..........Hmmm, a little different,but it still doesn't deserve around the clock media coverage. Apparently when I was taking my Tiger hiatus,eleven other women have claimed to be his mistress too. I guess we're still on eleven......I'm not really counting though.

My main reason for writing this post wasn't to talk about Tiger and his harem of women,but to vent about the government workers called CPS,DFACs or whatever they are called in your neck of the woods. These people can and do save many children's lives on a daily basis,but there are far to many times where this agency has torn up families and destroyed people's lives.

I have read far to many stories of children getting lost in the system,dying in the system,oh I'm sorry, I mean getting killed in the system because CPS is understaffed and can't get a case worker out to visit the foster child and foster parents,to see if this a good fit. Here's another thing that happens far to often with many of these cases.....there is no thorough investigation done. You can't just rely on a anonymous phone call to a hospital when a child has a broken arm to sway your investigation. That phone call should be one part of the investigation,but not the whole, because believe it or not,people do lie and will try to get your children taken away. I know that sounds cruel,but I have heard people get mad at each other and blurt out,"I should call CPS on you!"

One summer when my family and I lived in this apartment complex,my husband suggested that I call CPS/Dfacs on this family because their son didn't have shoes on his feet. I told my husband I couldn't do that because: first its summer and what kid doesn't love the feel of the sand or grass in between you toes(I know I did),my second reason was, he's a six year old boy and he might of left the house with shoes on his feet,but took them off while he was outside,my third reason was,he looks well taken care of i.e. dressed appropriately,looked healthy weight wise and parents seemed very attentive. I just couldn't image picking up the phone and calling CPS/Dfacs on this family. I know a social worker probably would have shown up and did an investigation of the home and that would have probably been it,but what if that investigation called for the children to be taken away from this family(there were 3 kids in all in this family)for a week or two weeks until the investigation was over. Do you know how traumatic that would or could have been for a child? It doesn't matter if its a week that you're gone from your family or 1 day.....the fact is some comes into your home and takes you from everything you have ever know and places you with people you don't know. Its kinda like legal kidnapping,I guess...I don't know,but I do know you can't play around with people's lives like that.

I understand why you can be an anonymous caller to the child abuse hot line,but at the same time,I am starting to see/hear a lot of false calls and this has to stop. People are wasting their time and lives on petty issues and in the mean time,there are real cases of neglect and abuse done to children in this country on a daily basis. Sometimes, I checkout just to see and hear the sorry excuse of a parent some of these children have. These are the parents that need to be locked away and many of them need their parental rights taken away.

Tiger Woods maybe a cheater,but having CPS come out to their house......come on now.
I do know however, that many times CPS will step into family situation because of a domestic violence issue in the family,which is understandable. But did you know if you argue(just words now) in front of your children,that's considered child abuse( law here in GA). So, even if Elin really did use the golf club to save his life from the accident and not to kill him;CPS could have a legitimate reason to go into the home and investigate because of the heated argument which could fall under child abuse(if FL law is like Ga law). Personally I think CPS is wasting their time and effort....these children are not being abused and neglected. They really need to focus their time and energy on helping children and families who are in need of help. I'm not saying that just because the Woods family is rich,that there is no possible way they can be abusive or neglectful,sure they could be,I guess I should say,go ahead an investigate,just don't drag this matter out like the media has. No family should have to go through this because of some spiteful person (I'm hoping this isn't the case).


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